I’ve always gravitated to ideas and topics that are not quite mainstream:
But even in chiropractic school, I went fringe. I heard about one of the technique clubs (Toftness) that showed you how you could detect a subluxation by just rubbing your thumb over a piece of plexiglass.
We were discussing that in a group, and most of my friends were saying:
“What a load of shit!”
And that made my ears perk up.
So I started going to the club meetings.
I walk in, and there’s a guy face down on a chiropractic table while another guy was holding what looked like some sort of cyberpunk lens. He started rubbing it and worked it down the guy's spine.
He pointed out areas that were subluxated:
And going further down:
Then he “adjusted” by touching the spine with his index finger.
My mind was blown.
So you mean I didn’t have to be adjusted the way Harvey Fish did?
Dr. Fish was a great guy and would adjust students for, I think, $10. You’d go in, wait to see if he had any “real patients.” In between patients, he would adjust the students. He was heavy-handed and sure as hell able to move a bone.
So now I’m intrigued and curious. I studied and practiced any chance I had. I had different friends that I studied different things with.
(Except for Dyslexic Dave - nobody wanted to study with that guy. Our group did once, and we all failed a test. His dyslexia was so powerful, it overcame all of us.)
I’d study all the weird stuff with my friend Victoria, and then we would go get our network chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Michael Scimeca.
I found out that it wasn’t the Toftness lens that had the super-powers. Instead, it was because when your hand detected a change in energy over the spinal segments, there's a “galvanic response” similar to that of a polygraph lie detector test. So it made the skin on my hand “sweat,” and that made the plexiglass squeak and stick.
So it wasn’t the equipment. It was me.
After a while, I realized that I could feel a warmth on my chest right before the lens squeaked. So, I ditched the lens and started working on people where I “felt” the subluxations were located.
Seemed to work well - I always double-checked my “regular” chiropractic findings with what I felt. We studied for exams, then practiced technique on each other.
One time at a seminar, the instructor demonstrated what to do and asked for volunteers - one to be the patient and the other to be the doctor. I watched this guy struggling with his patient. It looked like he had flippers instead of hands; the whole interaction was super awkward.
All of a sudden, I started feeling uncomfortable and just blurted out:
“For God’s sake, leave him alone! Can’t you tell he is super annoyed and angry?”
The instructor said, “Yes, maybe we should take a break.”
The guy that was the patient came up to me and asked, “How did you know?”
“I don’t know, I just felt it,” I said.
After that I started trying to see if I could feel what others were feeling. So when I was bored in a class, I’d go down the rows and try to feel what the my fellow students felt and quickly move on.
Going down the row: nothing, nothing nothing. This guy is pissed off, next one: nothing, nothing, Ow! She has a headache.
Dammit! Now I have a headache!
So that turned into a problem: When I worked on someone that had pain or other symptoms, I would take those on for myself. And the person I worked on would leave feeling great.
My friend Juanita did what is called an "attunement," and I became a Reiki Master.
Reiki masters are supposed to move energy around, but I was afraid I’d pick up too much of someone’s vibe and it would make me uncomfortable.
Plus, I can’t be doing energy work if I’m a chiropractor now.
So I kept all that checked and on the "down low"; sometimes I would get a "feeling" about a client while I was working on them. Surprisingly, it was always correct and it helped my client to make progress.
At some point, I started feeling that I needed to be true to myself, and if I had these abilities and I was able to use them to help the people that came to see me, then that's what I was going to do.
I've embraced this side of my work. If my clients need some emotional work, that’s what we work on, if they need some energy work, then they get it.
I suppose some people don’t want a chiropractor that’s metaphysical, but really-that’s how it all started. There are plenty of “evidence-based” chiropractors out there that can’t adjust their way out of a paper bag.
If the power goes off, they couldn’t use their lasers or whatever machine the Chiropractic Physiotherapy Industrial Complex wants you to buy now.
While I appreciate all the fancy parties they throw for us at continuing education seminars, they are infiltrating the chiropractic schools and now we are pumping out new chiropractors that only think they will be successful if they have the latest and greatest shiny machine.
I’ve studied a bunch of different things, I’ve found what works for me and refined it.
I tell my clients :
“I’m a better chiropractor today than I was yesterday, and I was pretty good back then!”
So I guess my next step is teaching some of this information and hoping to pass it on before my time here is up.
And you know what? I will love every damn minute of it!
There's nothing quite like sharing the weird, the wonderful, and the downright strange ways we can help people heal.
So, let's get to it—I've got a lot of sharing and teaching to do—it's going to be exciting!
The Intuitive Chiropractor | Unlucid | My Links
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I had a very similar experience myself!! You’ve actually inspired me to post about it. 🥰 I’ve been teaching Reiki for about 5 years now but want to expand into the chiropractic space with it.